Please have a look at our video we had such a fun day with our Grandparents' and Friends'.
Do you have a day where you celebrate your grandparents at your school?
Friday, December 2, 2011
Flower Show
On Thursday we had to bring some flowers to school for flower day.
I was helping Sophie and Katie make their garden creations.
By Dylan
It was great for Stevie to get an award.
By Kole
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Coco's First Day
Coco Our Class Pet's First Day
Hi I’m Coco the new class pet for Room 3 at Broadlands School. I came on the Coco bus on Tuesday the 22th of November. When I got to Broadlands a huge welcoming party came to greet me. I learnt that I would get my bone to chew on when I chewed something I shouldn’t have. . They would give the instructions once saying it like this come Coco and I didn’t do them they would make me and tell me I am a good boy. This afternoon we did athletics with Matua Dan for an hour. Now I am tired out. There will be a lot of people to meet but I think I can handle it. Can’t wait to meet Colby my owner’s cat. Hopefully we will be BFFL
(Best Friends For Life).
Hi I’m Coco the new class pet for Room 3 at Broadlands School. I came on the Coco bus on Tuesday the 22th of November. When I got to Broadlands a huge welcoming party came to greet me. I learnt that I would get my bone to chew on when I chewed something I shouldn’t have. . They would give the instructions once saying it like this come Coco and I didn’t do them they would make me and tell me I am a good boy. This afternoon we did athletics with Matua Dan for an hour. Now I am tired out. There will be a lot of people to meet but I think I can handle it. Can’t wait to meet Colby my owner’s cat. Hopefully we will be BFFL
(Best Friends For Life).
Friday, November 4, 2011
Bike it
Bike it
This year we have been doing Bike It. We have been getting taught how to mountain bike for camp. It has been very fun for all of us and are looking forward to doing bike it again today. We are doing bike it because we are going on camp very soon and we are going mountain biking.
This year we have been doing Bike It. We have been getting taught how to mountain bike for camp. It has been very fun for all of us and are looking forward to doing bike it again today. We are doing bike it because we are going on camp very soon and we are going mountain biking.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Camp Preparation
Camp Preparation
On November the 8Th we are going on a Camp to Turangi. So we have been prepping to be organized and ready for camp. We have been focused on managing ourselves and relating to others, because on camp there are lots of team activities and challenges. We created a list of things that showed how we would not be managing ourselves and not relating to others.
- Fighting
- Not caring
- Not Responsible
We are going to do more camp prep today.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Travel Smart Travel Safe
In room 3 we are learning to travel safe and smart. we made some cartoons on toondoo about travelling safe. Maddy, Jessie, Honey, Waiwai, Lani, Kelsey and Amy made one about travelling safe round the pool area. This is it. Their messgage is dont run round pools.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wilson the puppy
Today I brought my new six week old labroudor puppy called Wilson to room 3 to show the class. Ms Matthews had a great idea that we could keep him in the classroom for the whole day so we can test him out to see if having a class pet is ideal. So I went and asked Mr Taylor and he said yes. My mum went and got his cage and food. When he arrived back at school he had a little sleep and then me and Jessie took him out for a play. He really loved going outside. We took him to the sandpit, field, tennis court and play ground. Room 3 loved having Wilson at school.
By Maddy.p
By Maddy.p
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Snowing at Broadlands School
It snowed at school today 15 August 2011.
We loved the snow because we don’t get much snow out here.
We saw snow falling down from the gray sky. We were excited and we played in the snow.
You can feel the snow dripping down our T-shirts. We tasted the frozen water dripping down into our mouths.
Boo hoo! The snow went away and the sun came out. Everybody wants the snow to come back so we can have a snow fight.
BY Taelyn, Sarah and Hannah
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Unison Thanks

Today two people from unison came to our school to teach us about electricity and how it works.They taught us what is safe to touch and what isn't safe to touch.They showed us some videos and all the safety gear worn by the people that work on the power lines and showed us what would happen if we touched electricity.It was cool.
By Jayde.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Unison at Broadlands
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Class pets
Room 3 has 4 class pets. Their names are Blues, Max, Chezzle,and J.T, and they are from “Where the wild things are”. They are puppets and are fun to play with. Every week someone gets to take one home, this is decided by a shaker box. We have to take photos of their adventures.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Learning is!
Today we worked in groups to brainstorm our ideas about what learning is.
What do you think learning is?
Please share your thoughts and ideas, we are very interested.
These are some of our ideas:
Learning is combining with others.
Learning is using your senses.
Learning is thinking with other people or by yourself to get more knowledge.
Learning is thinking with other people or by yourself to get more knowledge.
Learning is using your brain and things you know and combining your ideas with other persons ideas.
Learning is finding out more facts.
Learning is perseverance.
Learning is combining lots of ideas to learn something new.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
End of Term Creativity
These photos represent the tasks we were busy completing at the end of term.
Storyboard Creating
Poetry Writing
Designing Conflict and Resolution Games
Story Telling
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Aileen and Me - Keywords
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Painted Movies
We have created movies of our stories using Microsoft Paint to illustrate them, Easi Speak microphones to record our voice and Windows Live Movie Maker to put them together into a movie.
These programs are simple to use and as we create them it doesn't put any pressure on our schools wireless network which is a complete nightmare for most things. Ms Matthews uploads them at home.
Our reflections of our achievement has helped us to think creatively about timing of our pictures and fluency and expression with our voice. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have enjoyed making them.
Here are two from John and Corien. The others will be posted onto our kidblogs (link at the side).
Please leave us a comment and let us know where you are from so we can visit you. Regularly we visit blogs and start a learning conversation.
These programs are simple to use and as we create them it doesn't put any pressure on our schools wireless network which is a complete nightmare for most things. Ms Matthews uploads them at home.
Our reflections of our achievement has helped us to think creatively about timing of our pictures and fluency and expression with our voice. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have enjoyed making them.
Here are two from John and Corien. The others will be posted onto our kidblogs (link at the side).
Please leave us a comment and let us know where you are from so we can visit you. Regularly we visit blogs and start a learning conversation.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Writing Awesome Blog Comments
We have been reflecting on comments that have been written on our blogs and other school's blogs. From this we have explored many ideas from other schools and looked at Comments for kids to write our own success criteria for an 'Awesome Blog Comment'.
We have decided on 6 points for our success criteria:
1. Write your comment including a greeting, content and a closing.
2. Always use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and spacing.
3. Compliment the writer in a specific way, ask a question or add new information.
4. Write a relevant comment that is related to the post.
5. Do not reveal any personal information about yourself in your comment.
6. Always proof read your comment and edit before submitting.
Remember that people from around the world will be reading what you have written.
Maddy P has been using our criteria to peer assess blog comments before we post. Please have listen to her podcasts. After reflecting on the podcasts we realise that Maddy should have given feedback using the language of our criteria.
Our reasons for doing this is that we value our connections with our global community and want to make many more.
Please don't leave without writing a comment and a link to your blog so we can visit you. Maybe you can add to our criteria.
We have decided on 6 points for our success criteria:
1. Write your comment including a greeting, content and a closing.
2. Always use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and spacing.
3. Compliment the writer in a specific way, ask a question or add new information.
4. Write a relevant comment that is related to the post.
5. Do not reveal any personal information about yourself in your comment.
6. Always proof read your comment and edit before submitting.
Remember that people from around the world will be reading what you have written.
Maddy P has been using our criteria to peer assess blog comments before we post. Please have listen to her podcasts. After reflecting on the podcasts we realise that Maddy should have given feedback using the language of our criteria.
Our reasons for doing this is that we value our connections with our global community and want to make many more.
Please don't leave without writing a comment and a link to your blog so we can visit you. Maybe you can add to our criteria.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
School is Cool
This week we have been learning about creating storyboards for our Conflict and Resolution documentaries. We have also been pondering camera angles, different shots and movement to enhance the effect of our movies as well as maintain audience interest. John, Ben and Madison, our experienced documentary crew, organised a School is Cool project to practice our skills. They also helped us to reflect on our creations with their feedback. We hope you can learn from our practice, enjoy.
Thank you for visiting our blog, please don't go without leaving a comment with a link to your blog, so we can visit you.
Room 3
Thank you for visiting our blog, please don't go without leaving a comment with a link to your blog, so we can visit you.
Room 3
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Conflict and Art
Room 3 are creating a piece of artwork with the idea of illustrating War and Peace, Conflict and Resolution. They are having a great day putting their ideas together. This is their work in progress, enjoy!
We will post the finished pieces with the strategies and tools that they used to create their masterpieces.
We will post the finished pieces with the strategies and tools that they used to create their masterpieces.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Our theme this term is War and Peace embedded in the rich concept of Conflict and Resolution.
Maddy, Abby and Jessie have created a video about our visit to Waiouru Army Musuem.
The hosts to our school were very funny, interesting and full of information. We highly recommend a visit to this musuem.
Maddy, Abby and Jessie have created a video about our visit to Waiouru Army Musuem.
The hosts to our school were very funny, interesting and full of information. We highly recommend a visit to this musuem.
Stephan and Matthew have also created a video. I loved the rainbow at the end and their lovely message. We will remember them!
During our LEP program we created mosaics. It was a really fun creative time. Listen for the beautiful singing.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Signing of the Treaty
On the 12th of April 2011 Room 3 signed our class treaty together.
Our treaty has all our roles, rights, responsibilities and promises that we need to stick to or else you are not welcome into our classroom.
We need the treaty to help our classroom be a happy and safe environment to come to school, make friends and to learn. Our students are all friends!!!!
By Renee
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Letting Bob Franklin go!!
On Friday the 31st of March we had to let Bob Franklin go. The class said goodbye and then We went to the trees where we found him, We took his home too. Matthew put him on his hand and carefully and slowly put him on a leaf. It was hard to see him because he was the same colour as the leaf. We were very sad because he was so cool. We said goodbye lots of times and then we had to go back to class. We wonder where he is now!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Our class pet Bob Franklin
On Monday the 27th of March room 3 was playing T-ball out on the field by some trees. our team was batting, we were waiting for our turn under trees when suddenly something started crawling up Matthew's leg! It was a little green leaf bug. We showed Mrs Matthews, she said to go find something to put him in. We went to our recores room we found a wooden box made out of wood with breathing holes and a glass lid. We did some research on what leaf bugs like to eat, drink and their habitat. We also found out that he drinks water from the leaves so we dipped the leaves in water for 10 seconds and put them in his house. We got leaves, grass, bark sticks, sticks, rocks and lots more. some people in our class wanted to call him franklin and some wanted to called him Bob so we called him Bob Franklin. he looked very happy but we were scared he was'nt going survive the night becase it was very very cold!!! He ate and drank lots. Everone loved him very much!!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Whanau Kowhawhai

Kowhaiwhai is a traditional form of Maori art.
We have used a koru pattern to create our own Whanau (family) Kowhaiwhai.
A koru pattern represents new life,peace, growth, harmony and strength.
The shape of the koru is based on the curled up yourng fern frond.
The colours we used were based on what our whanu like to do, what we like and our interests.
In New Zealand you can find Kowhaiwhai patterns mainly in Maraes but you can also find them in MacDonald's, hospitals, schools, kindergartens and our bush.
Please listen to the stories of our own Whanau Kowhaiwhai and look at our artwork. We had lots of fun creating these.
Madison, Keagan, Waiwai, Taelyn.
Friday, March 18, 2011
We are very proud of our pumpkin
A little while ago we write a post about our pumpkin it was green but we discovered about two days ago it was starting to turn orangy yellow. We have also found that there is another little pumpkin growing as you can see in the photo.
Mr Webb from Melville Intermediate asked us to measure and weigh our pumpkins. The big pumpkin is 7cm and the little pumpkin is 1 and a half cm. We can't weigh them yet because we don't have a weighing machine.
By Maddy.P and Jessie
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Super Radio Reporters
We have just installed our very own FM Radio Station at Broadlands School.
Today, the FM Radio Managment Team did their first real live broadcast on the Broadlands 107.0 FM for one hour. Brendon Weatherley, from Classic Hits, came to listen and give some great advice! They had lots of sports events and music on there. It was great! We hope to hear them again soon.
The FM Radio Managment Team is Abby, Emily, Sophie, John, Ben, Reihana, David and Cody.
By Maddy.P and Jessie
Grow Pumpkin Grow We Love You So
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Caring for the People of Christchurch
Renee and Abby decided that they would raise funds for the Christchurch Earthquake. They asked Mr Taylor if it would be okay and then decided on a day. On Tuesday 1st March we had a mufti and wacky hair day. We also gathered together to have 2 minutes of silence at 12.51pm. That was a powerful and moving moment.
We are a school of 83 students and we raised a whopping $315.20
I asked Abby and Renee how they felt about that. They replied, "it was fun and we are proud."
I think they are two very caring and responsible girls and I am proud to be their teacher.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Our Triathlon Experience
We have been writing recounts to record our Triathlon experience. We had heaps of fun! The best part of the day was a lot of parents and grandparents turned up to watch and encourage our students.
Our recounts have been made into movies using Windows Live Movie Maker and our brand new Easi Speak Microphones.
This is Keagan's recount but everyone is working hard to complete theirs and post them to their Kidblogs. Please have a look and leave us a comment. We love comments!
Our recounts have been made into movies using Windows Live Movie Maker and our brand new Easi Speak Microphones.

This is Keagan's recount but everyone is working hard to complete theirs and post them to their Kidblogs. Please have a look and leave us a comment. We love comments!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Pick Me!
As the senior class in our school, all the students are required to apply for positions of responsibilities. At this time of the year they work hard to impress us. They will do anything for you to ensure they get the best positions and hopefully chosen to be Head boy, Head girl or House Leaders.
All the students have been working together to create a format for their own CV. They have explored some CV's, written one for Hiccup and now they are working together to decide what they should put in their own. The CV’s will also form a part of their digital portfolio
As for the staff, it is a tough time choosing the right person for the lead positions as they are all so talented and we know some hopefuls will have their hearts broken.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Interesting Things About Me
In our first week of school we are learning to use new tools to support our learning. We are creating our own Avatars using:

To record reflections on our learning.
As it is our first week of school, a lot of our learning is about how we can work effectively in our new learning community. Have a look here at how we have used these tools to share interesting things about ourselves.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A new start for Room 3
Room 3 will be back to school on the 3 February. We have a great year planned with more blogging and comments for kids being a priority for us. Our experience with Nabby 3 last year was a great experience and you can read about that here.
Since my students have been blogging and commenting they have found a meaningful audience for their own writing. This has inspired the most reluctant readers and writers to participate. As a teacher that has been very heart-warming. I will continue to develop this and add more challenges to inspire more blog posts.
I start back with 14 year 6s, who I taught last year as year 5s and 17 new year 5's. I am looking forward to being a part of their learning journey.
Happy New Year everyone!
Since my students have been blogging and commenting they have found a meaningful audience for their own writing. This has inspired the most reluctant readers and writers to participate. As a teacher that has been very heart-warming. I will continue to develop this and add more challenges to inspire more blog posts.
I start back with 14 year 6s, who I taught last year as year 5s and 17 new year 5's. I am looking forward to being a part of their learning journey.
Happy New Year everyone!
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