Monday, July 26, 2010

Ma te Mahi Ka Ora

'Through hard work comes fulfilment' We chose this for our blog post because we feel our classroom reflects our hard work and gives us fulfilment. We have also been learning this song which is the music to our photostory. Room 3 would love to sing this to a class who would like to hear us through sykpe. Leave a comment and we will get in touch with you please!

Wow! What a start to term three! It has been wonderful! We have been looking around our class to see where we can hang our display for the new topic. Then we remembered the photos we took at the start of the year of our blank canvas. The class looks magnificient. This however doesn't change our dilemma of where to put this terms learning. We have decided that we will have to take down some of our learning to make room. Here are some photos of what it looks like now!


  1. What a lot of learning has happened in your classroom. Ma te mahi ka ora was a favourite in my classroom. I'm looking forward to you sharing your new learning this term.

  2. Hi from Otewa School in the King Country. We understand the problem you have. It's always difficult choosing what to take down off the walls because we are proud of all our work as you must be. When I get my head around skype, which wont be long, we would love to hear you sing Ma te mahi ka ora.

  3. Morena Room 3!

    This is so very exciting! You have an amazing class of very focussed learners! In of the most motivated and engaged I have ever seen! Congratulations...I am proud of you all!

    Mr Taylor
